
最近這幾天在家頗無聊的 除了看看之前買的軟體書籍之外


外食嚴重的我 幾乎很少在家吃飯

吃的健康同時達到控制體重 真的非得自己動手才行




低脂鮮奶 蘋果 自製寒天無糖果凍

看來有點噁心 不過很有效



有時候在生活中發現一些有趣的東西 真的會讓你會心一笑


大夥吃飽飯之後 堂妹"妞妞" 在等車時




不明白這銅鑄的師傅想追求什麼 需要這樣如此加強門牙嗎?

我只能解釋 他可能也愛海棉寶寶吧!! 畢竟誰不愛它呢?....哈哈哈


今天在家看電視 MTV台非常復古的播放了年代久遠的喬治大叔音樂錄影帶...

可能有些孩子不認識他 不過他那首金典芭樂傳唱曲"Last Chritmas"

每到聖誕節前夕 各家電台的DJ一定會放這首歌出來打擾民眾..


其實仔細瞧瞧這支音樂錄影帶 你會發現

這首1996 出自george michael Older 專輯的fastlove 並不遜色

裡面服裝造型 梳化妝 MV的拍攝方法

以超過13個年頭來看 現在還是很fashionable

不管是 手指虎遙控器 還是vivienne westwood星球皮帶

裡面的光頭帥哥 或是頂著春麗包包頭的黑妞

現在的流行音樂 這創意誰有...

Looking for some inspiration Made my way into the night All that bull***** conversation Well baby can't you read the signs?

I won't bore you with the details baby I don't even want to waste your time Let's just say that maybe You could help to ease my mind Baby, I ain't Mr. Right

Chorus: But if you're looking for fastlove If that's love in your eyes It's more than enough Had some bad luck So fastlove is all that I've got on my mind

What's there to think about baby?

Looking for some affirmation Made my way into the night My friends got their ladies They're all having babies But I just want to have some fun

I won't bore you with the details baby I don't even want to waste your time Let's just say that maybe You could help to ease my mind Baby, I ain't Mr. Right


What's there to think about baby? Get yourself some lessons in love

In the absence of security I made my way into the night Stupid cupid keeps on calling the But I see nothing in his eyes I miss my baby I miss my baby, oh yeah So why don't we make a little room in my BMW babe Searching for some peace of mind Hey I'll help you find it I do believe that we are practicing the same religion You really ought to get up now

Looking for some affirmation?


對於單眼相機的相關產品 我一直保持著極度的興趣


這幾天積極的爬文 一直希望能找到讓我滿意的鏡頭好讓我在9月出國時能帶出去把玩一下

不過滿意的東西 價格都不是很親民...有些甚至讓我火大!!

這些桶狀的小生命 真的是含著金湯匙出廠的...

我實在很難想像 要是都買回家的話

藍色小朋友出走的太多 我想我也不用去玩了!!

還是腳踏實地多練習點 多看些工具書好了!!!

對了!! 一直忘了感謝跟我買17-85鏡頭的買家

希望你能好好善待它 多拍些滿意的作品

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